I’ve spent mt day sitting here playing with Venom while watching the Maintenance guys rip out all of the kitchen and bathrooms cabinets…. yeah not fun. I spent the weekend cleaning out said cabinets. My Apartment is a wreck. I did make my tiny stock pile look pretty. as soon as they are done (and I’m done putting things back away) I’ll try to snap picks of it all prettified. It really couldn’t have come at a better time since I’ve been spending the last few weeks getting reorganized and downsizing. We have A LOT of things we dont use or need, Lots of clothes we don’t wear and etc… I’ve been reading organizing blogs (my new favorite blog is IHeart Organizing), looking for ideas on Pinterest and figuring things out on my own. I’ve Learned to label, sort and trash things. My paper shredder is my new BFF… LOL not really I still love my real Besties, but its up there. I even made an awesome battastic Household binder, I’m still working on pages for it, but its together. I’ve even reworked my Business binder and organized Hello Kendra. I’ve been planning out post and content. I’ve got a friend that is working on a new biz logo. Things are coming together and I feel my days running a bit more smoothly. Venom still throws a wrench in the plans from time to time but its getting where needs to be..
Its been along weekend. Mr. Sailor had Duty and watch yesterday so it made for a lonely day for Venom and I. He did have today off so that makes up for it. He and I have been playing Skyrim, he’s been giving my pointers while he plays and I’m stuck. I can’t find my way to where I need to be. I can’t fast travel either as I just started the game and haven’t found all of the spots. Doesn’t really matter much as I dont get much game playing time anyways. There’s always something else to be done. Speaking of which….